Shop Made Tools for the Clockmaker
eBook 8 ½ X 11 Inches 102 Pages
by William J. Bilger
75+ Tools Described 73 Line Drawings 134 B&W Photos
Let's face it, buying tools can be expensive, very expensive. But in needn't be that way. A lot of the tools used in clock repair can be made very inexpensively in the repairer's shop using scrap material. For instance a couple of hundred dollars can be saved just making your own movement holders. This book shows numerous examples of both spring driven movement and weight driven movement holders.
These are only 18 of the 75+ tools described. There are over 55 more tools described. The savings realized by making one or two of these tools instead of buying them commercially will more than pay for the cost of the book.
Plus there is a homemade lathe. Every clock repairer wants/needs a lathe but they are put off by the exorbitant cost. This book describes how to build an entry level lathe using an electric drill. Although not as precise and perfect as a professional made watchmaker's lathe this little lathe will get the beginner started on his lathe work.
Every repairer needs a bench to work from and a place to store his tools. The clockmaker's bench described herein provides just the right working surface with all your tools near at hand in the many storage drawers.
The book goes on to describe how to make specialty tools for working on cuckoo clocks, 400-day anniversary clocks, Hermle clocks. The chapter titled Miscellaneous tools describes another 30+ homemade tools for the clock repairer. There is a chapter on bushing and pivot tools, how to make a depthing tool, a canon pinion puller and accessories for the Dremel tool.
The poor man's timer. Why pay $200.00 plus for an electronic beat timer when this book describes how to make your own mechanical counter that works just fine for $10.00 in scrap lumber.
Making your own tools not only saves a lot of money, but it lets you practice and improve your craftsmanship. And then there is the satisfaction and pleasure one gets from making a repair using tools he built himself.
Chapters include
- Shop Made Tools
- A Lathe
- Clockmaker's Bench
- Bushing and Pivot Tools
- Bent Escape Wheel Teeth Tool
- Spring Driven Movement Holders
- Hermle Tools
- Miscellaneous Tools
- The Dremel Tool
- A Depthing Tool
- Weight Driven Movement Stands
- Cuckoo Clock Tools
- Mechanical Counter
- 400-Day Anniversary Clock Tools
- Canon Pinion Puller
- Materials, Suppliers, Etc.
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